Embryology and Biodynamic Anatomy
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Course of Biodynamics in Embryology, Anatomy and Osteopathy


This course will explore the embryological principles of our human formation, growth and development from the earliest embryological stages to our adult anatomy.

Course Description

 Module I
  In this module we will focus on the development of the clavicle, craniocervical junction, interosseous membrane, neural tube and central nervous system. Hands-on sessions will follow to bring living anatomy and function in osteopathic treatment to life.

 1st day:
  • Biodynamic Principles of Treatment.
  • Theoretical and Practical Class: Principles of Embryology and Development of the Clavicle.
  • Theoretical Class: Craniocervical Junction.
 2nd Day:
  • Practical: Rebalancing the craniocervical junction – Oculovestibular-cephalic reflex.
  • Theoretical and Practical Class: Embryological Development of the Neural Tube and CNS.
 3rd Day:
  • Theoretical and Practical Class: Interosseous Membrane: Tissue – Fluid – Power > Totality.
  • Theoretical and Practical Class: Sciatic Nerve and Neurotrophic Flow.

Eligibility Requirements

Osteopaths, doctors and dentists who are looking to complement their training with an integrative, holistic and non-invasive approach to the treatment and health promotion of their patients.


   Pediatric Osteopathy Phase 1 (Part 2)
  Date: from April 17 to 19, 2023, with Dr. Stephen Kisiel.

Location of Course

In Florianopolis
  Retiro Vila Fátima
  Rodovia SC 406, Francisco Thomaz dos Santos, nº 2210,
  Morro das Pedras – Florianópolis – SC
   Full hosting: Vila Fátima
Reservas com Agnideva - 61 99818-6310 [WhatsApp]